Wendouree Stewardship Program 2019

parish life

Welcome to week three of our Parish Stewardship Program.


This week celebrates the role of our parish as a community of faith – as an authentic community where people are welcomed, known and loved.


It is a place of care, support and outreach – with a clear mission to live the values of the Gospel.


This means that we all have a responsibility to use our gifts and talents for the benefit of others – making our time available to be involved in one of our many groups and ministries.  We all have a contribution to make – so have a look at the “Groups & Ministries” list to see what best suits you.


At Masses this weekend we will hear from members of the Parish Leadership team who will talk about the impact our faith and our parish has made in their lives and how important it is for us all to make our contributions to parish life.


Also – our Parish future forum is next Thursday the 28th February. Sessions are at 10:30am & 7:00pm—both in OLHC Church. This forum is to discuss parish achievements, plans and values. Everyone is welcome!


Fr Marcello

Parish Priest


Thoughts from our Leadership Team

Q: Why is it important to be actively involved in Parish Groups and Ministries?

“We have all been given many gifts and talents; that is how we grow within ourselves.  They need to be nourished and shared as a way of adding our bit to our community. Within our parish community we must make space for all people; including everyone – not just a few –  this creates a vibrant and diverse environment where we can all worship together.”

Click here to view the Parish Groups and Ministries form