Shannon’s Bridge

Shannon's Bridge is a new not for profit volunteer organisation to help connect patients and existing palliative care services and supports.  We are here to support you with issues about illness, dying and loss.  The aim is to remove the taboo and change attitudes about death and dying. The focus is on not just a “good death” but “better living”.  Shannon’s Bridge is based on the “Compassionate Communities” international movement to help people to live well within our communities to the very end of our lives.  A Compassionate Community is one that acknowledges that care for one another at times of crisis and loss is not simply a task solely for health and social services but is everyone’s responsibility. 

Shannon’s Bridge welcomes interest and questions from members of the public, other volunteer groups, faith or spiritual groups, community organisations, service providers, local government, health services and educational institutions.  Contact Jeremy McKnight, ph. 0448 827956 or  

Click here for more information.