The National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse

The National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child Sexual Abuse was held on Monday, October 22, 2018 in Canberra.  

For a copy of “A Message to the People of the Diocese of Ballarat” click here.

For a copy of the "Reflection on the Prime Ministers National Apology for Primary School students", click here.

Following is a copy of the prayer for parishes:



Loving God

We pray for our brothers and sisters
who have been abused within our Church. 
We acknowledge their unending strength: 
their boldness has been an immense gift. 
We pray they find justice, 
peace and healing.

We pray for our community:
that we accept and nurture each other 
during this time.

Empower us to be a positive
and supportive force within society.
Help us to witness the love of God for all.

Help us to acknowledge 
and make amends for past wrongs.
Give us the strength to be true advocates 
for the wronged and vulnerable.

May the grace of God 
guide us now and always.
We offer this prayer
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.


(Courtesy of the Diocese of Wollongong)