The theme for 2023 is
Hope for the Earth, Hope for Humanity
Globally, Catholics celebrate Laudato Si’ Week from May 21-28. In Australia, we will celebrate Laudato Si’ Week between May 16- 24. These dates are different from the dates promoted internationally to enable us to fully celebrate National Sorry Day (May 26) and National Reconciliation Week (May 27 – June 3) fully. The theme for the 2023 Laudato Si’ Week is “Hope for the Earth, Hope for Humanity“.
This annual celebration allows us to commemorate the eighth anniversary of Pope Francis’ historic encyclical, Laudato Si’: “On the care of Creation”, and to reflect on the progress we have made in protecting our common home.
Two positive actions that are encouraged in the parishes during this year’s Laudato Si’ week include:
Firstly, a screening of The Letter: a message for our Earth in your community in order to respond to Pope Francis’ call. The Vatican urges dioceses, parishes and schools to view this documentary which was released in October 2022, in collaboration with Pope Francis and the Laudato Si’ movement by director, Nicolas Brown. In the documentary, four young people from across the world tell of their experiences, hopes and dreams for the world which they will inherit. Catholic Earthcare Australia is inviting all parishes to celebrate this anniversary week by screening the documentary as a parish event with discussion afterwards. Watch together as a parish or encourage parishioners to view from their homes. View the documentary here.
Secondly, consider your parish commitment to joining the Laudato Si’ Platform as stipulated by Pope Francis and the Plenary Council decree 8. The Caritas program, Catholic Earthcare Australia, is a way of stimulating and sustaining ecological conversion. This model provides a concrete way to plan for action in our diocese and parishes through action plans based on setting local Laudato Si’ goals, with support from Caritas Australia. The first step in this commitment is to register as an Earthcare Parish here.
For more information and to explore this call to action further, please contact Jillian Hogbin, ph. 53377 117 or email
St Patrick’s Cathedral Parish Ballarat Parishioners gathered on Sunday afternoon, February 19 with Dr Susan Crowe and Caritas Diocesan Director Jillian Hogbin, to share their individual journeys on caring for our common home. St Patrick’s Cathedral Parish received its Level One Earthcare Parish Certificate, acknowledging that the parish, led by Fr Ed Moloney, has committed to caring for our common home and begun its journey to becoming a living Laudato Si’ community.
Parishioners further developed their understanding of Laudato Si’ and expressed a desire to understand more as they journey towards working to completing the Earthcare audit and action plan later this year.
To celebrate Laudato Si’ week, Catholic Earthcare hosted an online ‘Action’ event. The theme for Laudato Si’ week was ‘Hope for the Earth, Hope for Humanity.’ What better way to have hope and give hope than through action.
In 2 hours, participants engaged in 10 actions, designed to help bring forth an Integral Ecology and care for creation. All 10 actions are in some way inspired by Laudato Si’ and could be done from the comfort of your own home. The event was held over zoom on Wednesday, May 17, 2023 from 4.00pm – 6.00pm AEST.
Catholic Earthcare Reflection Cards.
Common Prayer for the 8th Anniversary of Laudato Si’
Loving God,
Creator of heaven and earth and all that is in them,
You created us in your own image and made us stewards of all your creation.
You blessed us with the sun, water and bountiful land
so that all might be nourished.
Open our minds and touch our hearts,
so that we may attend to your gift of creation.
Help us to be conscious that our common home
belongs not only to us, but to all of your creatures and to
all future generations, and that it is our responsibility to preserve it.
May we help each person secure the food and resources that they need.
Be present to those in need in these trying times,
especially the poorest and those most at risk of being left behind.
Transform our fear and feelings of isolation into hope
and fraternity so that we may experience a true conversion of heart.
Help us to show creative solidarity in addressing the
consequences of this global pandemic.
Make us courageous to embrace the changes that are
needed in search of the common good.
Now more that ever may we feel that we are all
interconnected and interdependent.
Enable us to listen and respond to the cry of the earth
and the cry of the poor.
May the present sufferings be the birth pangs of a
more fraternal and sustainable world.
Under the loving gaze of Mary, Help of Christians,
we make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.