This year’s theme, “Do not cast me off in my old age” (cf. Ps 71: 9), recalls the heartfelt plea to the Lord not to be left alone in old age. All too often, in fact, loneliness is a bitter companion in the lives of the elderly due to numerous contingent situations, such as the migration of children or the crisis of families, or due to the individualistic mentality that makes those who are advanced in years feel like a burden. It seems that everyone takes for granted that there is a time in life when one remains alone. It is a habit and a mentality to which, with resignation, even the elderly do not object.
Pope Francis proclaimed the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly to be celebrated on the fourth Sunday in July each year – July 28 in 2024. The Day is marked near the Feast of Sts Joachim and Anne, the grandparents of Jesus. Parishes, schools, agencies, aged care facilities and other ministries are encouraged to find creative ways to celebrate the contribution of older people to their families and communities.
The Secretariat from the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life have provided resources for the celebration for the fourth World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly. Included in the kit are pastoral guidelines, liturgical guidelines, a prayer and catecheis on old age.

Prayer for the
Fourth World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
July 28, 2024
Lord, faithful God,
You who created us in Your image,
You who never leaves us alone
and who accompanies us through every season of life,
Do not abandon us, take care of us,
And grant us, once again,
The ability to discover ourselves
and recognise that we are Your children.
Renew our hearts with your Word
And do not allow anyone to be cast aside.
May your Spirit of love fill us with Your tenderness
And teach us to say:
“I will not abandon you!”
To those we meet on our journey.
With the help of your beloved Son,
may we not lose the taste for fraternity
And may we not conform to the sadness of loneliness.
Help us to look to the future with renewed hope,
And make the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
a day without loneliness, and a day abundant
with the first-fruits of Your peace.