Social Justice Commission news

In the interests of transparency, fair democratic process, justice and accountability, the Ballarat Diocesan Social Justice Commission recently sent letters to the Members of Parliament within our diocese, as well as all Victorian Senators, urging them to support the establishment of a Senate enquiry into the prosecutions of Witness K and his lawyer Mr Bernard Collaery.  Witness K, a former Australian Secret Intelligence Service (ASIS) officer, had revealed information about ASIS illegally bugging the East Timor Cabinet Office in Dili to gain an unfair advantage in negotiations with East Timor over the rich oil and gas fields in the Timor Gap.  Witness K and Bernard Collaery are now facing criminal charges in Australia.  A full transcript of the letter outlining the Commission’s concerns can be accessed below.   You can also read more about the case and sign the online petition which is calling for the Attorney-General of Australia, Christian Porter, to drop the charges.

Link to the petition.

Transcript of letter concerning Bernard Collaery and Witness K

The Ballarat Diocesan Social Justice Commission, in partnership with Catholic Earthcare, showed significant support for Zali Stegall’s climate change bill, since it was introduced to Parliament in November.  BDSJC sent a letter to MHR of the diocese, as well and all Victorian Senators, encouraging advocating for the bill and pointing out that the bill provides a clear, systematic framework for the development of the policy required for meeting the specified emission reduction targets.  Last week BDSJC and Catholic Earthcare submitted a subsequent letter of encouragement to the House standing committee.  A copy of the letter can be accessed below.

More information on our support of the climate change bill is available here:
Letter in support of a Climate Change Act for Australia