“Laudato Si’” Week

Laudato Si’ Week 2021 is May 16-25, 2021 and will be the crowning event of the Special Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year, and a celebration of the great progress the whole Church has made on its journey to ecological conversion.

Laudato Si’ Week 2021 will also be a time to reflect on what the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us and prepare for the future with hope.

Laudato Si' Week website

You are invited to join an online event “SOWERS OF HOPE” on Friday, May 21, 2021 at 5.30pm.  The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Office of Social Justice and Caritas Australia’s Catholic Earthcare program, are co-hosting this prayer and reflection event in Laudato Si’ Week to celebrate the conclusion of the Special Laudato Si’ Anniversary Year 2020 – 2021.

Sowers of Hope information and registration