Clemente Program

The Clemente Program is a national educational program taught in Ballarat by Australian Catholic University and Federation University, in partnership with Centacare, The Smith Family, The Ballarat Foundation and The City of Ballarat. 

The program aims to transform the lives of people facing one or more forms of disadvantage such as unemployment, mental illness, homelessness and substance abuse. Students take one university-level course in the Humanities each semester, and after completing four are awarded with a Certificate of Liberal Arts from ACU. There are no fees, all costs are covered by the organisations involved. Clemente is open to anyone, eighteen years old to retired.

The next semester begins at the start of August, with the course Introduction to International Relations, taught by Dr Carolyn Johnstone of Federation University.  Classes take place at Ballarat Library twice a week – one is a lecture, and the other a Learning Support session. A free lunch is provided on both days, and the atmosphere is relaxed and friendly. There is a high level of academic and pastoral support during the course. 

For more information contact Dr Steve Else, Clemente Ballarat Program Academic Coordinator, ph. 5336 5313 or email