St Peter’s Church Daylesford – 150 years (1865 – 2015)
St Peter’s Catholic Church, Daylesford, acknowledged its 150th year on June 14, 2015, with a Mass celebrated by Bishop Paul Bird CSsR, Fr Gary Jones, Parish Priest and Father Clem Cafarella.
St Peter’s Roman Catholic Church has stood on the slopes of Wombat Hill for 150 years, serving the multi-national Catholic community of the region. Its windows are some of the finest glass in an Australian church.
The church was designed by the architect William Wardell (1823 – 1899) in a manner strongly influenced by the English architect Charles Hansom on a Crown Land Grant of 1855. It replaced a small wooden chapel that had been erected in 1856. The church’s foundation stone was laid in 1863 and it was consecrated and opened in 1865.
St Peter’s architectural significance as a substantial stone building designed by a prominent architect, was only possible due to the wealth of the goldfields. The Catholic Church had a strong presence throughout Victoria and the goldfields during the nineteenth century with a vigorous program of church construction.
The church is a simple form with a five bay gabled nave containing geometric decorated gothic windows and stepped buttressing. The gable roof is covered in slate and the sidewalls constructed of rough-hewn local stone. The roof consists of timber beams supported by twelve stone bosses, carved to represent the heads of the twelve apostles. The magnificent east-end windows are made of Munich stained glass, depicting the Ascension. One of the most magnificent is the Holy Spirit window incorporating inch thick purple glass, normally a French design signifying royalty. The sanctuary walls have adoring angels stencilled in gold leaf and its timbered ceiling is painted sky blue.
Originally, the church had a tower in the southwest corner, which is a feature of many Hansom inspired churches, but this was demolished due to earth movement resulting from tunnelling in the town. The west end of the church was rebuilt in brick faced with freestone and it was at this time that the stained glass windows depicting various saints were installed.
The interior contains extensive stencilled decoration, particularly in the chancel, but this work is believed to have been done during the twentieth century and is not believed to be part of Wardell’s design. John Hennessy is reported to be the artist of the altarpiece.
A grey waterproof coating was applied to the building in 1984.
The current presbytery was the first purpose built residence for the Catholic priests in Daylesford and was constructed in 1891. It is a two story brick building with verandahs to two elevations, decorated with cast iron columns, cast iron lace work and timber lattice work.
St Peter’s Roman Catholic Church and Presbytery, Daylesford is of architectural significance for demonstrating the presence of the Roman Catholic Church in the Victorian goldfields.
Report on the celebration of 150 years at St Peter’s Daylesford
Many present and past parishioners gathered at St Peter’s Church on Sunday, June 14, 2015 to celebrate with Bishop Paul Bird CSsR and Parish Priest, Father Gary Jones and Father Clem Cafarella, 150 years since the consecration of the Church.
The Daylesford Mercury Newspaper of May 15, 1865, reported the original consecration in the following words:
“Not withstanding the inclemency of the weather, the opening of the new Catholic Church of St Peter’s yesterday (Sunday) attracted a crowded congregation.”
In sharp contrast to 1865, the newly restored church looked resplendent nestled on the slopes of Wombat Hill bathed in beautiful winter sunshine. The recent restoration of the church, undertaken under the supervision of the Parish Priest, Father Gary Jones and the Parish Leadership Team, has restored the church to all its former glory and is enhanced by extremely attractive décor and the latest church technology.
Following Mass, Bishop Paul blessed a cross which had been erected in the church grounds to mark the 150th celebrations. This cross was the original cross from the former Presentation Convent in Daylesford and had been restored and placed on a aesthetically pleasing designed stand.
A large group of parishioners, including a number of Presentation Sisters, gathered in St Michael’s School Hall for a delightful lunch served by the school parents and the Parish Leadership team. At lunch Bishop Paul cut a large attractively decorated cake which was shared by all present. It was a wonderful opportunity to renew friendships and share stories of the past, as well as view a comprehensive historical display of the church and parish life.
Fr Gary A Jones PP