Prayers of the Faithful

CELEBRANT: Jesus calls us to live for God in the world we build together.  Let us pray for God’s blessing on our world and all who dwell on it.



We pray for the human family.  May Pope Francis’ appeal for a new spirit of global friendship break down all barriers between us.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for the leaders of the world’s nations.  May they dedicate themselves to the work of unity, peace and the care of creation.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our pray


We pray for the church on this Mission Sunday.  May all the baptized embrace their mission to go forth and proclaim the good news.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for the citizens of Australia.  May we fulfill our civic responsibilities and contribute fairly to the creation of a just society.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for those who work without fanfare to protect and improve their local environment. May their hidden service bear fruit for all.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for children.  May they be blessed with parents, teachers and friends who inspire them with a love of books and reading.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for all who have succumbed to increased gambling, drinking or violence during the pandemic.  May they break free from these destructive habits.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for one another.  May we, like the Thessalonians, put faith into action, work for love and persevere in hope.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for the recently deceased Nance Hammond, Barry Solomon, Sister Caroline Deutscher IBVM, Carmel Brinkman, Nona Lucia Das Dares and those whose anniversaries we honour Jane Hunt, Yu Siu Keng, Frs Monaghan, Frank McKenzie, Harold Glesson, Sister Prisca Fogarty, Jim Kelly, Sister Patsy Ford RSM, Janine Riordon, Clare & Ted Gleeson, Francisco Barreto, Victor Amaral dos Santos, Ermelinda dos Santos Amaral.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


CELEBRANT: God of wisdom and power, by your providence you guide all that you have made.  Look upon us with love and keep us on the path of salvation.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.