Prayers of the Faithful

CELEBRANT: Remembering the passion and saving death of Jesus, let us pray with all our hearts for the whole human family.



We pray for Christian believers around the world, that this week’s celebration of the paschal mysteries will bring their faith to new life.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for health authorities and practitioners, that they will implement a timely and just COVID vaccination programme.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for all peoples of the earth, that the cross of Christ will be an inspiring sign of divine love and human hope.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for the peoples of the Middle East, especially Syria, that their suffering from years of brutal violence will end and a new era of healing and peace begin.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our pray


We pray for world-wide eco-conversion, that all human beings will make the personal changes they need to save the planet from global warming.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our pray


We pray for all women, children and men subject to extreme poverty and injustice, that our support for Project Compassion will offer them the chance of a full human life.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our pray


We pray for our own faith community, that our shared Lenten journey will bear much fruit in works of mercy and compassion.  We also pray for all who will be Baptised at Easter.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for the areas in Queensland and New South Wales suffering from floods, may they receive necessary support.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for the recently deceased Laumorlai Guterres, Esperanca Guteres, Aquelina Vicente, Duarte Diniz, Marion O’Brien, Alan McDonald, Sister Mary Kelly sss, Margaret Pearson, Noreen Dart, Adolfo Martins and for Teresa Howard, Jack Boyce, Stuart Nicolson, Sister Loretto Foley, Father Delahenty whose anniversary of death occurs around this time.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


CELEBRANT: Faithful God, you raised your Son on the tree of the cross to draw all people to yourself.  Keep us always on the path that leads to you.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.