CELEBRANT: Jesus promised his disciples the gift of the Paraclete. With the Spirit’s love and wisdom, let us pray for the needs of the world.
We pray for all the Christian churches, that they will bear joyful witness to the truth and goodness of God.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our prayer.
We pray for all who have the power to shape public opinion, that they will use that power to promote justice, peace and unity in the world.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our prayer.
We pray for all living creatures on earth, that humankind will respect and protect their vital biological diversity.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our prayer.
We pray for vaccine justice, that well-resourced nations will share their supplies and expertise with those that cannot afford them.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our prayer.
We pray for the whole Australian community, that National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week will promote mutual respect between the First Nations and settler peoples of the land.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our prayer.
We pray for East Timor with all its resourcefulness of Christianity and nature that it will continue to develop and enrich its people.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our prayer.
This week we celebrate our Patroness our Lady Help of Christians. We pray for Our Parish Family.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our prayer.
We pray for all who work in the field of palliative care, that their care for the dying and those in chronic pain will ease suffering and bring peace.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our prayer.
We pray for the delegates to the Plenary Council, that they will be fired by the Holy Spirit and guided by our Lady, Help of Christians.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our prayer.
We pray for the recently deceased Clementina Soares, Nilva Domingas Gomes, William Daffy and those whose anniversary of death occurs around this time Jack Peach, Fathers Gallagher and Hussey, Frank Garner.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our prayer.
CELEBRANT: Holy God and Father of light, you have poured out your Spirit upon us. Keep the fire of your love ablaze in our hearts. We ask this through Christ our Lord.