Prayers of the Faithful – Christmas Mass

CELEBRANT: On this holy night/day we rejoice at the birth of Christ, Word-made-flesh and light of the world.  With glad hearts let us place all our needs in God’s loving care.



We pray for Pope Francis and all religious leaders, that they will bear united witness to God’s boundless love for the human family.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for peace in the world, that the light of Christ will dispel the dark shadow of war from the face of the earth.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our pray


We pray for the earth and all it contains, that the whole creation will be cherished and cared for as God’s gift to humankind.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our pray


We pray for the eighty million people around the world displaced from their homes, that their cry for safety, shelter, food and freedom will be heard and answered.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for families in all their diversity, that by God’s grace they will grow strong in love, mutual respect and the practice of forgiveness.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for all who struggle with sadness and loneliness at this time of year, that the outreach of neighbours will free them from their isolation.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for all whose selfless service has helped us through the difficulties of this year, that they will be blessed with our gratitude and the opportunity to rest.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray with our loved Ones who have died and are now enjoying the banquet of Heaven which we hope for in our Christmas Eucharist.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


CELEBRANT: Holy God, in the birth of Christ you have made us your beloved daughters and sons. Help us to stay true to our calling.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.