
Bread 4 Today provides access to daily prayers for reflection and meditation whenever you can spare a moment during the day.

Our prayer archive allows users to search past entries by category so that they can reflect on prayers that match their frame of mind.

Its categories include: Courage, A just world, Relationships, Hope, Hard Times, Faith, Forgiveness and special intensions (calendar days of prayer and reflection). All prayers can be shared via social media with a tap of the screen, thanks to its integrated social media capabilities.

For users who are interested in current Catholic or social justice issues, Bread 4 Today offers links to Cathnews and Social Policy Connections. These resources provide current local and international articles and insights.

“The Bread for Today App is like an old friend. Highlighting the best in people it is down to earth, encouraging, occasionally challenging, but always accompanying.” Fr Edmond Nixon CSsR.

Bread 4 Today invites you to join its growing prayer community. Together, through prayer and good works, we can better ourselves and our society.

B4T available for free world wide on the Apple App Store and the Android Market.

B4T was created by Redemptorists of Australia and New Zealand for all people of good will and was developed Fraynework Multimedia.