World Interfaith Harmony Week

harmony day

Ballarat Interfaith Network invites you to celebrate
World Interfaith Harmony Week 2017

Date: Thursday, February 2 at 11am

Venue: Sturt St median strip, Ballarat Town Hall


Welcome and playing of didgeridoo by Tony Lovett, address by City Mayor, Samantha McIntosh and guest speaker, Rev Catherine Tierney, singing by children from Dana St Primary School, raising of the Ballarat Interfaith Network flag for peace and respect between people of all faiths, followed by refreshments in the Town Hall.


Margaret: 0400 650 234 or Maureen: 0418 383 802

United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week, inaugurated in February 2011, came about in response to an initiative presented by King Abdullah II of Jordan, calling for Muslim and Christian leaders to engage in a dialogue based on two common fundamental religious commandments: Love of God and Love of Neighbour.

Ballarat Interfaith Network, formed just over 12 years ago, is one of an ever-widening network of interfaith organisations across Victoria, indeed, across the world. Its aim is to help build bridges of communication, respect and understanding between people of all faiths; and its vision is that the Ballarat community feels free to express its spiritual diversity in peace, harmony and understanding.

We extend an invitation to you all to come and join us in this event. We also invite you to share this message of love of God and love of Neighbour through your own messages of interfaith respect and harmony.