2016/2017 Social Justice Statement

The 2016–2017 Social Justice Statement, A Place at the Table: Social justice in an ageing society, celebrates the ageing of the population and the significant contributions older people make to the life of the community. Increasing numbers of older people enjoy good health and an active life for many years.

The ageing demographic has rightly been described as ‘the great success story of human development’. But significant challenges remain. While workers are being encouraged to work beyond retirement, older people in poverty are likely to carry that hardship into retirement without proper assistance. In an ageing population, vulnerable groups confront the risks of ageism, social isolation and elder abuse. The Bishops challenge a ‘throw-away’ culture that casts older people as being burdensome or even dispensable. They call for communities that foster solidarity among the generations and ensure older people have a place in the heart of community life. 

The statement can be downloaded here.

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