Cay Xuan Trinh was ordained as Deacon for the Diocese of Ballarat on Saturday, December 16, 2023 at St Patrick’s Cathedral at 10.00am. The Principal Celebrant for the Mass was Bishop Paul Bird CSsR and he was joined on the sanctuary by concelebrants Bishop Emeritus Peter Connors, Fr Marcello Colasante, Vicar General, Fr Ed Moloney, St Patrick’s Cathedral Administrator, Very Rev Dr Cameron Forbes, Rector of Corpus Christi College, as well as a number of diocesan and visiting clergy to celebrate this occasion, along with many fellow seminarians of the ordinand.
Cay’s family, who are Vietnam, joined the Mass online and many of his friends were in attendance, to participate in this Mass and to support him on this important step towards his Ordination to the Priesthood, which will be celebrated at a later date.
Dr Peter Morris welcomed all to this celebration and began the Mass with an Acknowledgement of Country. The Liturgy of the Word followed, with Chris Jansen proclaiming the First Reading and Deacon Jim Curtain proclaiming the Gospel. The choir and musicians led the music beautifully during the Mass, inviting all to participate in song. Roger Hillman conducted the choir and Geoff Martin played the organ. Dr Susan Crowe sang the Litany.
During the Rite of Ordination, Cay was Called and Presented by Very Rev Cameron Forbes, Rector of Corpus Christi College, to Bishop Paul for Ordination as Deacon. Then followed the Election by the Bishop and Consent of the People, Bishop Paul’s Homily, the Commitment to Celibacy, Examination of the Candidate, Promise of Obedience, Litany of the Saints, Laying on of Hands and Prayer of Consecration. For the Investiture with the Stole and Dalmatic, Cay was vested by Fr Neville Stanislaus and Rev Deacon Cong Hoang. He was then presented with the Book of the Gospels and a Kiss of Peace from Bishop Paul and other deacons in attendance.
During the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the gifts were bought forward by Thuy Le and Truong Pham. Towards the end of the Mass, Cay offered words of thanks. Following Mass, morning tea was provided at St Patrick’s Hall.