Information regarding Diocesan Liturgical guidelines and policies – click here
Speaking of Liturgy – a podcast
The ACU Centre for Liturgy proudly presents an exciting array of local and international experts who explore a wide range of liturgy-related topics. The podcasts feature thought-provoking discussions on Catholic liturgy, liturgical music, art and architecture, liturgy in Catholic schools, preaching, and more. Join in, and listen to some of the world’s best, ‘Speaking of Liturgy’.
Bishop Paul Bird, CSsR reflects on the art of celebration and how developing our knowledge and skills can enhance the way we celebrate the liturgy.
Bishop Paul is a member and former Provincial of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer (Redemptorists) and Bishop of the Diocese of Ballarat. He is a member of the Bishops Commission for Liturgy of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.
Click here to listen to Bishop Paul.
More podcasts can be accessed here.
The Centre for Liturgy (Australian Catholic University)
The ACU Centre for Liturgy provides specialist expertise, teaching, research and formation in liturgical studies, sacramental theology, and the sacred arts. Officially endorsed by the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, they offer formative education at every level from training programs for parish ministers through to doctoral degrees for higher degree research students. Programs are tailored to meet the training and formation needs of individual parishes and schools, Catholic education offices, and dioceses in urban and rural locations throughout Australia and the region. We provide workshops, seminars, short-courses and online educational opportunities in liturgy, sacramental theology, and the sacred arts.
Pastoral training courses offered include:
- Extraordinary Minsters of Holy Communion (online)
- Ministers of the Word (online)
- Funeral Minstry
- Care for the sick and dying
- The Ministry of Cantor
- Accompanying the assembly’s worship
- How to choose ‘good’ liturgical music
- How to engage the assembly in song
- Serving the People of God in Gladness: Lay Liturgical Ministry
- How we do what we do matters! Exploring the ars celebrandi in parish liturgies
- No longer two, but one: preparing to celebrate your Catholic marriage
- Born anew by water and spirit: preparing for your child’s baptism
- It’s about time! Understanding the liturgical year
More information is avavilable from the ACU Centre for Liturgy website – Training for Liturgical Ministers page
Xavier Society for the Blind
Xavier Society for the Blind has been providing free braille and audio materials to blind and visually impaired Catholics worldwide since 1900. Although an overseas organisation, the society serves many people in Australia and hopes to reach many more people in need of accessible materials. There are hundreds of books available in braille and audio and serve clients of all ages worldwide. One of the biggest lines of service is the Mass Propers – the readings, prayers, and responses to the Mass on Sundays and special Feast days (basically the Missalette). These are available in braille, audio, and large print. For more information go their website.
Liturgy Brisbane online liturgical formation & training courses
The Diocesan Liturgical Commission recommends the following online courses offered by Liturgy Brisbane:
- Ministers of the Word (Readers) (180 mins);
- Lay Ministers of Communion Course (150 mins);
- Combined Course: Ministers of Word & Communion (240 mins);
- Music Ministry in the Liturgy (180 mins)
Lay liturgical ministers can now access quality online training and learn at their own pace, in their own homes, at times that suit them. No need to wait for a scheduled zoom meeting or face-to-face course – new volunteers can begin training immediately. Courses can be completed over multiple sessions – participants stop at any time and pick up where they left off. Each fully online course contains short videos, readings, quizzes and course notes. Content includes an introduction to liturgical ministry and an overview of ministries and the Mass, followed by specific training for each ministry. This short video provides more information. Purchase a voucher bundle and distribute to ministers for course access. To purchase vouchers and for more information visit the Liturgy Brisbane website.
Liturgy Resource for Schools
Together at One Altar website, developed by the National Catholic Education Commission, is a resource for school aged children in years F-12 in Australia to develop their formation in the Eucharist and assist their full, active and conscious participation in the Eucharist. Click here to go to the website.
Catholic Worship Book II
The new Catholic Worship Book II will be the official liturgical music resource for the Catholic Church in Australia. Click here for more information.
Mass Planning Resources
- LiturgyHelp
- St Paul’s Missal available from St Paul’s Publications.
- Ordo available from Liturgy Brisbane.
- Weekly Prayers of the Faithful: Australian Catholics; Archdiocese of Adelaide
Praying with Children
Praying with Children” from Brisbane Liturgy is designed not only for Children’s Liturgy of the Word celebrated at Sunday Mass in the parish but also for families with young children to use at home. Schools can also use each week’s resources to explore the coming Sunday’s gospel at school. Each week’s resource includes an extract from the Sunday gospel in the Children’s Lectionary translation, along with some reflection questions, music for gathering, psalm and gospel acclamation, family activities, a short video to watch and a worksheet for children.provide an online resource for parishes, schools and families which provides a Children’s Liturgy of the Word for Sundays. More information available here.
Audio Prayer Resource for Children and Families
An audio resource called ‘Time With Jesus’ (TWJ) is a collection of short five minute meditations that take children (and adults) on an adventure through 13 popular New Testament bible stories to meet Jesus and speak with Him. For a free sample meditation, tips on how to use the TWJ resource in families and children’s ministries and to make a purchase visit, TWJ is available on CD or mp3 format and is a joint production of Beheld Media and Parousia.
Thank God for Mass!
Just as lockdown begins to ease and Churches open for prayer and the celebration of Mass, Sue Ellis has produced an interactive book that will help every family, school and church to inspire children to enjoy the many aspects of this key event in the life of every Catholic. Click here for flyer.
Faith Circles
A free resource from the Diocese of Wollongong for Parish Prayer & Discussions groups. Click here for more details.
LabOra Marriage
Liturgy Brisbane have produced a resource called LabOra Marriage – a program designed to help couples, parishes and priests prepare Catholic wedding liturgies quickly, accurately and simply! Click here to go to the Liturgy Brisbane website.
Sharing the Word
Sharing the Word is a free E-Library of educational resources for Catholic Ministry. Sharing the Word is an ongoing project of Catholic Mission Australia and includes full texts of over 8000 open source ebooks, periodicals, podcasts and church documents. It is free and available here.
Bread 4 Today
Bread 4 Today provides access to daily prayers for reflection and meditation whenever you can spare a moment during the day. The prayer archive allows users to search past entries by category so that they can reflect on prayers that match their frame of mind. Its categories include: Courage, A just world, Relationships, Hope, Hard Times, Faith, Forgiveness and special intensions (calendar days of prayer and reflection). All prayers can be shared via social media with a tap of the screen, thanks to its integrated social media capabilities.
A prayer APP for life – it will serve as a free, accessible meditation aid which people can use to come closer to God and effect positive change in their lives and their community. Please click here for further information. Bread 4 Today is available on both Google Play and the App Store.